Honorable Mention Portrait


Honorable Mention, Coldwater

Gang Song

"Altitude 1890M"  Shot in Lake Lioson, Switzerland with Canon 5D Mark III


Gang won a 7-night spring 2015 Tubattaha, Philippines cruise plus companion 50% off with Discovery Fleet!



The story:  It was a sunny day and the view is breathtaking when sunlight is shining on the snow-covered mountains of Switzerland. The iced Lake Lioson is located in the midst of these mountains, so I thought I should combine this landscape and ice diving. I stayed in the ice-cold water alone about an hour, and a button of my camera housing even became frozen so that I could not change my shutter speed. Finally a diver came up from the dark and I captured this moment. Special thanks to Wang who arranged the fantastic trip, and Owen, the man in the picture.

Location:  Lake Lioson, Switzerland

Camera:  Canon 5D Mark III, Canon 14mm lens, Sea & Sea housing

Settings:  f20, 1/100, ISO 400


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