3rd Place Portrait Ocean Art 2015 Filippo Borghi
3rd Place Portrait
Filippo Borghi
Filippo won a 7 night dive package from Aiyanar Dive Resort
The story: I was diving in the afternoon at end of April on a slope of Giannutri island, where in this season is quite good for finding big lobsters outside of the cave, where they are normally hiding. During this period they move out more for mating. In fact, I saw three of them moving trough the rocks close to the posidonia forest. Two were moving betweeen big rocks where I couldn't take good pictures but one was moving on the roots of the posidonia. I gave it time to feel safe and afterwards I started moving very slowly to try to approach closer.
Fortunatly the animal stayed in this nice spot and I had the chance to take some good shots before he moved away.
Location: Giannutri Island, Italy
Camera: Nikon D800E, Tokina 10-17mm, Subal housing, dual Ikelite DS160 strobes