4th Place Compact Behavior Ocean Art 2016 Jack Berthomier

4th Place Compact Behavior

Jack Berthomier

"Reflection of a Alligator pipefish serving as a taxi for a blenny"


Jack won a $100 gift certificate from Bluewater Photo or Bluewater Travel



The Story:  This morning, I get in the water, still free diving in Ouem'os Bay(Noumea, New caledonia). Sky's grey, very cloudy but the seas are calm, perfect for reflections pics, my passion in photography. I get lucky quite quickly finding this Alligator pipefish on the surface of the sea with 1, then 2 and finally 3 Blennies fishes getting and resting on him and following him in his moves. I sometimes met some Alligator pipe fishes swimming on the surface of the sea but that was the first time i witnessed this behavior. This photography is one of 8 shots with Blennies.These small fishes are often laying on leaves, flowers or other floatting objects near the surface of the sea

Location:  Ouemo Bay Noumea, New Caledonia 

Camera: Sony RX100 (F8, 1/1000, ISO 200) with Nauticam Housing


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