4th Place Mirrorless Behavior Ocean Art 2016 Fabio Galbiati

4th Place Mirrorless Behavior

Fabio Galbiati

"Fading Away"

Fabio won a $100 gift certificate from Bluewater Photo or Bluewater Travel



The story:  In August 2016, I was in Bangka island, Sulawesi. During an exploratory dive in the vicinity of an illegal mine site (now closed), because of sediment released into the water by the mining activity, the subjects to be photographed were almost non-existent or covered with silt, really boring dive for a photographer, bad viz and no colors. After 30 minutes of dive, in the distance I saw a small  whip coral, like an oasi in the desert, but the condition of the coral was very poor.  I approached and noticed the presence of a common small goby, which is also in poor condition, the poor fish was literally infested with parasites, isn't rare at all... sometimes you can find one parasite or two, but four on the back are too much. I have tried to document the disappearance of a small dive site because of man... and this little dying fish gave me the chance to do it before he fading away forever. 

Location: Sulawesi, Indonesia

Camera:  Olympus EM5 and Olympus 60mm Macro Lens (F11, 1/250, ISO 200) with Nauticam Housing and Dual Sea & Sea YS-D1 Strobe.



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