5th Place Reefscape Ocean Art 2016 Thomas Heckmann

5th Place Reefscape

Thomas Heckmann

"Reef & Fish"


Thomas won a $200 gift certificate from Bluewater Photo or Bluewater Travel



The Story:  Known only from waters of the Indo-Pacific Ocean, I was surprised to find this huge pod of mackerel within a pristine Caribean reef. The swarm was hunted by barakudas. I spent the whole dive with admiring the different shapes of this huge swarm, surrounded by a beautiful reefscape. The performance was finished after two hours because my air was over..

Location:  Bonaire, Netherlands

Camera:  Nikon D800e and Sigma 15mm (F16, 1/250, ISO 500) with Seacam Housing and Dual Subtronic Strobes.




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