2nd Place Nudibranchs Ocean Art 2016 Albert Sáiz Tezanos

2nd Place Nudibranchs

Albert Sáiz Tezanos

"A Funky Face"


Albert won a 5-night dive package with a paid companion at Eco Divers



The Story:  Goniobranchus nudibranch have colorful mantle which resemble to a flower petal and moves like a skirt in the wind when in motion. I always thought it is a great approach to create a prominent frontal shot and under expose the background and all the rubble around in favor of shadows and high contrast reflecting textures in mantle and lined rhinophore. The challenge was to find the right depth of field which close up the nudi face to the viewer in a tridimensional way without losing detail in the mantel with too much blur. All together center the attention on his colorful funky costume with a clear "Funky Face".

Location:  Pulau Weh, Indonesia

Camera:  Nikon D800e and Nikon 105mm Lens (F36, 1/160, ISO 100) with Isotta Housing and Inon Z240 Strobes



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