Olympus OM-D E-M5 Underwater Settings

You can also read our E-M5 Mark II Best Settings article.
The Olympus OM-D E-M5 has become by far the most popular mirrorless camera used in underwater photography. In this article we discuss our recommended settings for getting the most out of this excellent camera.
The OM-D E-M5 has surpassed my expectations with upgrades from my old PEN E-PL1 camera. The image quality, small size, super fast focusing and ease of use had made it one of the most popular cameras for underwater shooting.
Below I've compiled several good starting camera settings for different shooting situations. Following that is a list of the most important, or required, settings that are crucial to change in your PEN or OM-D system when shooting underwater, with specifics based on which housing you are using. In addition I take an in depth look at all the menus on the camera so you can fine tune your camera for the best underwater shooting experience.
Olympus PEN and OM-D Underwater Settings
Actual settings will vary based on your diving location and conditions. Take a look at the following suggestions below as a great starting point for shooting with your Olympus OM-D E-M5
Settings for Macro with the 45mm or 60mm Macro Lens:
Manual mode, F22, 1/250th, ISO 200
Auto white balance, camera flash on "fill in flash", Strobe on TTL
Or set the strobe to manual power and adjust power as needed
For manual power set the camera flash to manual also to save battery life (see below for instructions)
TIP: Shoot at lower F stops like F5.6 or F2.8 to try to get some better bokeh and a blurred background
TIP: You'll need to open up your aperture to around F8 when shooting fish; at F22, your strobes won't "reach" very far and the photo will look black
** These settings are also useful with the 12-50mm lens in Macro Mode **
Shallow Focus achieved with an open F-stop - Octopus, OM-D E-M5 w/ 45mm, ISO 200, F2.8, 1/250
Settings for Macro using the kit lens (14-42mm / 12-50mm) with a wet diopter:
Manual mode, F22, 1/250th, ISO 200
Auto White Balance, camera flash on "fill in flash", Strobe on TTL
Or set the strobe to manual power and adjust power as needed
For manual power set the camera flash to manual also to save battery life (see below for instructions)
Zoom all the way in
Shoot at lower F stops like F8-F11 to try to get some better bokeh and a blurred background, you can open up to F2.8, but will have a very small depth of field
Remember working distance is limited when using a wet diopter, move carefully to avoid spooking your subject and get close.
Tritonia festiva on Red Gorgonian, OM-D E-M5, 14-42mm w/ Dyron +7, ISO 200, F22, 1/250
Christmas tree worm, photo by Jim Lyle. F14, 1/250th, ISO 200, 45mm macro lens
Settings for Wide Angle with 8mm Fisheye or 9-18mm lens:
Manual mode, F8, 1/125th, ISO 200
Auto White Balance, camera flash on "fill in flash", Strobe on TTL
Or set the strobe to manual power and adjust power as needed
For manual power set the camera flash to manual also to save battery life (see below for instructions)
Important: use the shutter speed to control your ambient light (background exposure). A slower shutter speed (e.g. - 1/60th will let in light when shooting in darker waters, a faster shutter speed will allow less light in when shooting in bright conditions).
TIP - when the sun is in the photo, set the shutter as fast as possible (up to 1/250th), and you'll need to stop down your aperture to F16 or F22 to avoid blowing out the highlights, remember to turn up your strobe power.
TIP - for ambient light photography, you may need to open your aperture to F5.6 or F4 and increase the ISO to ISO 400, 800 or 1600 to let in more light.
Note: These settings also are great for starting points for shooting with the kit lens on, and for fish portraits with the 60mm macro lens.
Sheephead & Oil Rigs, Olympus OMD E-M5, 8mm Fisheye ISO 200, F5, 1/80
Olympus Camera Set up for Underwater Use
The OM-D E-M5 camera works well straight out of the box, however there are some important menu and setting changes that you will want to make sure to set for the best underwater shooting experience.
Most Important Settings for Underwater Use:
1) Custom Menu Options - The Custom menu should be turned on by default on the E-M5, if not, follow these instructions to activate it.
Menu -> Set Up Menu (Wrench icon) -> Menu Display and click OK. The Custom Menu is the small cogs icon, hit the right button, and then the down button followed by ok to activate this menu.
2) Live View Boost - this is very important so that you can see your LCD underwater. This mode disables the live view of exposure settings, since underwater shooting with a strobe, usually results in dark settings in the camera. This function will brighten your LCD so it is always at a good viewing brightness. Note: the LCD does not accurately reflect the exposure settings for the camera.
Custom Menu -> D: Disp/PC -> Live View Boost -> On
3) EVF Auto Switch - The E-M5 has an electronic viewfinder. In order to use the LCD screen underwater you need to turn off the Auto Switch. This prevents it from automatically switching to the EVF when the sensor is blocked, since the back of the housing blocks that sensor.
Custom Menu -> J: Built-In EVF -> EVF Auto Switch -> OFF.
Note: You lose the ability to display the Super Control Panel in the LCD when using the viewfinder when the "Auto Switch" is turned off. The default is Live Control, which is the same quick menu as previous PEN models. If you prefer the look of the Super Control Panel you can gain access to it by turning off the Live Control and turning on the SCP through the Custom Menu.
Custom Menu -> D: Disp/PC -> Control Settings -> P/A/S/M -> Live Control OFF -> Live SCP ON
The Super Control Panel on the left, and the Live Control View on the right.
4) Flash modes - if you are using a strobe with TTL you will use the single lightning bolt "Fill in Flash" mode on the camera. However, if you are planning to use the strobe in manual mode you can save battery life by changing the flash mode to "Manual Value" through the quick menu. This is also beneficial because using the internal camera flash at a lower power means less recycle time and helps eliminate any delay on being able to take a picture.
OK -> scroll to flash icon -> scroll over to select "Manual Value Flash" -> Press Info to change flash power -> scroll to 1/64th power -> OK to confirm
**NOTE: If you are using the Olympus housing, please refer to the "Olympus Housing Set Up Section" for directions on setting the flash so that it will fire in the "down / closed" position. This is required for using the E-M5 with Olympus Housing.**
5) Rear Control Buttons - the default setting on the EM-5 four arrow key rear buttons controls only the focus point, which basically means you are not taking advantage of 3 out of 4 buttons! You can customize 2 of the buttons instead to gain quick, one-touch access to important features.
Custom Menu -> B: Button/ Dial -> Button Function -> Key Function (option with the four arrow key icon) -> Direct Function -> OK
Now you have access to change the right and down arrow key controls on the back of the camera. (Up gives control of Aperture / Shutter Speed without the dials and Left gives control over the focus point, these are NOT customizable). You have the same options for both customizable buttons, I suggest reviewing each and picking the ones that best suit your needs. For example, I set my camera to have direct access to the flash mode via the right arrow key and direct access to the sequential shot/ timer mode for the down key. (The sequential shot is not something used much underwater but I find I use it alot topside, so it was important to have direct access for me.)
6) Rec View - this sets the length of time an image review is displayed after taking the picture. Default is 0.5 seconds. For underwater use, 2 seconds is usually recommended so you have a chance to quickly gauge that exposure and focus look good before taking another picture. If 2 seconds is too long, set it to what you desire, or simply press the shutter halfway down to cancel the review.
Set Up Menu -> Rec View
7) Picture Mode - the default is natural, but jpeg shooters may prefer Vivid
NOTE: this does not affect RAW files
Accessible through the SCP / Quick Menu or Shooting Menu 1
OM-D, F16, 1/100th, ISO 200
OM-D E-M5 Set Up For an Olympus Housing:
The Olympus housing is a great option if you are on a budget and don't want to spend the money on one of the more expensive aluminum housings. There are a few limitations, but for the most part set up is the same as other housings. The biggest difference between the Olympus and Nauticam, is that they do not reposition the AEL/AFL button which means it is not as easy to reach, and therefore not a good option for splitting out focus lock.
Important Olympus Housing Information:
Before taking your rig underwater these things MUST be completed to ensure proper functionality and minimize the risk of a housing flood.
1) Remove the rubber grommet from around the Electronic Viewfinder.
To do this make sure the accessory flash is off the camera, and then simply slide the piece up and off the camera. Remember to replace the flash before putting the camera in the housing.
2) Change the Flash Mode so that the flash will fire even when flipped down.
The PT-EP08 housing was designed to house the camera and flash with the flash flipped down in order to be slightly smaller in size. In order to use the flash you have to activate the "Underwater Mode" on the camera. This mode acts as an "Auto" mode designed for "good" settings underwater. It also allows the camera flash to fire when "closed".
Custom Menu -> B: Button/ Dial -> Button Function -> either Fn1 or Fn2 can be assigned this function. I recommend Fn2. -> Underwater Mode (fish icons).
Note: The Underwater Mode automatically changes the camera settings including, Mode (P), ISO to 200, Focus to S-AF, White Balance to UW Mode, and on newer lenses like the 12-50mm it will zoom all the way out (3 fish) or all the way in (1 fish). If you keep it in the UW Mode while shooting, you are limited in control of the camera. To exit out of the UW Mode simply hold down the Fn button for a couple seconds and it will restore your original Mode, and settings. As long as the UW Mode is assigned to an Fn button the flash will fire when closed, even if the mode is not "activated" so you can go back to Manual Mode and the flash will still fire in the housing.
The are no changes needed to be made to install the OM-D E-M5 into the Olympus Housing. Simply slide the camera into place with the flash attached and you are good to go.
Olympus Housing Menu & Button Configuration:
Like all cameras, the OM-D E-M5 focus set up comes default with auto focus occuring after a half press of the shutter button. This works fine in most situations, so nothing needs to be changed.
However, you can set up the camera to split out the focus using the Fn1 button as your AFL/AEL to lock focus separately from the shutter which is very useful for macro shooting. This set up will mean that if you press the shutter button it will only take a photo, it will not focus the camera. Please note this set up is different than with the other housings, as one of the 2 Fn buttons is used up by the "Underwater Mode" needed for the flash. This makes it a little more complicated to switch between standard focus and split out focus so read carefully.
Please remember this set up is an advanced option and is not required to use the camera underwater. Please only change out your focus set up if you understand the steps. Otherwise leave at default, and use a half shutter press to focus with a full shutter press to capture the image.
Button Functions ( Custom Menu -> B: Button/Dial -> Button Function)
Fn1 - AEL/AFL - the Fn1 button is well placed by the thumb to use as a focus lock on the Olympus housing.
Fn2 - Underwater Fish Mode - this will allow the flash to fire inside the housing in the "down" position.
Rec - There are two options for this depending on how you want to set it up.
I recommend assigning "MF" to the record button so that you can switch between a "topside" S-AF mode and the underwater "MF" mode which utilizes the Fn-1 as your focus lock. This means you don't have to change settings in the menus when using your camera topside vs underwater.
Alternately you can leave it as record so that you can quickly record video without changing the camera mode. (Then you will need to change modes in the menu to use the split focus option).
Set Up When Using AFL Focus with Record & Fn1 Buttons:
AEL/AFL Settings (Custom Menu -> A: AF/MF -> AEL/AFL)
Use these settings if you've assigned MF to the Record button. If you kept the REC button as Record for video please skip to the next section.
S-AF - Mode 1 - this will basically keep the camera as default, where a half shutter press focuses, and a full shutter press takes the picture, which is how most folks shoot topside, or for subjects underwater where you want to re-focus each shot.
C-AF - leave at Mode 1 - i try not to use C-AF on the E-M5 as it can be slow, and will refocus your image automatically. Often it focuses different then where you want.
MF - Mode 3 - this separates the shutter release from the auto focus, so you can lock focus and then take as many images as you like without affecting your focus. In addition to this, Manual Focus is active so if you have a focus gear on the lens you can use both MF and AF quickly and easily without changing any modes.
Shutter Release (Custom Menu -> C: Release -> Rls Priority S)
Rls Priority S - OFF - this prevents the camera from taking a photo unless it is in focus in S-AF mode. If you want to be able to take a photo even if the camera has not locked focus then turn this function ON. (Release Priority C is the same only for the C-AF Mode).
Now once you have set all of these, you can shoot a picture as standard (half shutter to focus) when in S-AF mode. Simply press the Record button to switch to Manual Mode and now the Fn1 button controls auto focus and the shutter release only takes the picture. This makes it very easy to have both topside settings and underwater settings created without having to change things in the menus every time you use the camera, so you do not forget to reset anything for the next trip.
Set Up When Using AFL with only Fn1 Button:
If you wanted access to quick recording for videos, and left the REC button as the default, movie record, this section will explain how to set up your camera to take advantage of the split out focus. Please remember this is a more advanced tool, and you can skip all of this if you like, leaving the camera at the default settings.
Button Functions ( Custom Menu -> B: Button/Dial -> Button Function)
Fn1 - AEL/AFL - the Fn1 button is well placed by the thumb to use as a focus lock on the Olympus housing.
Fn2 - Underwater Fish Mode - this will allow the flash to fire inside the housing in the "down" position.
Rec - Left as Record
AEL/AFL Settings (Custom Menu -> A: AF/MF -> AEL/AFL)
Use these settings if you've assigned MF to the Record button. If you kept the REC button as Record for video please skip to the next section.
S-AF - Mode 1 - this will basically keep the camera as default, where a half shutter press focuses, and a full shutter press takes the picture, which is how most folks shoot topside, or for subjects underwater where you want to re-focus each shot.
C-AF - leave at Mode 1 - i try not to use C-AF on the E-M5 as it can be slow, and will refocus your image automatically. Often it focuses different then where you want.
MF - Mode 3 - this separates the shutter release from the auto focus, so you can lock focus and then take as many images as you like without affecting your focus. In addition to this, Manual Focus is active so if you have a focus gear on the lens you can use both MF and AF quickly and easily without changing any modes.
Shutter Release (Custom Menu -> C: Release -> Rls Priority S)
Rls Priority S - OFF - this prevents the camera from taking a photo unless it is in focus in S-AF mode. If you want to be able to take a photo even if the camera has not locked focus then turn this function ON. (Release Priority C is the same only for the C-AF Mode).
Now once you have set all of these, you can shoot a picture using the standard focus mode when in AF-S which is the default autofocus. If you'd like to use the split out focus click OK to bring up the Live Control or Super Control Panel and scroll over to the focus options. Hit OK again and select MF (Manual Focus). Click OK to confirm and now the camera is set up for Manual Focus, which it knows means to use AFL Mode 3 where the Fn1 button will be your focus and the shutter will only take the photo.
NOTE: I use all of these settings with the camera in Manual Mode, so I have full control over my exposure settings.
Queen Angelfish, OM-D, photo by Jim Lyle, F11, 1/250th, ISO 200
OM-D E-M5 Set Up For a Nauticam Housing:
The E-M5 camera and Nauticam housing requires no changes, however the metal strap triangles can cause the camera to stick and not go in smoothly. Make sure these are out of the way of the housing when you slide the camera tray into place, or for best results just remove them.
The OM-D E-M5 comes set up with defaults that work well on land, but might not give you the best possible results underwater. If you have set the options as outlined above, this section will help you streamline the camera for quick and accurate auto focus underwater when using a Nauticam Housing.
One of the biggest benefits to the Nauticam housing over the Olympus is that they set the rear of the housing up differently than the camera. The record button on the camera is actually a small lever on the housing, set right by your thumb. With the advance customization available on the E-M5 you can easily reassign the Record Button to be something different. I prefer to set it as the AEL/AFL setting.
AEL/AFL - You can assign this to one of the Fn buttons or even the record button. This can be helpful to separate the focus lock from the Shutter Release. Often underwater it is hard to lock focus and with the camera re-focusing everytime you press the shutter half way it might move that focus just enough to mess up your image, especially when shooting macro. Separating these allows you to focus the camera, then take the picture and take multiple pictures without the camera refocusing. This is very helpful for lenses like the 60mm and 45mm Macro that tend to focus hunt often.
Please remember this set up is an advanced option and is not required to use the camera underwater. Please only change out your focus set up if you understand the steps. Otherwise leave at default, and use a half shutter press to focus with a full shutter press to capture the image.
Here is how I have my Nauticam E-M5 buttons assigned, I find this the best set up for quick changes to focus mode, so that focus can be achieved quickly, easily and accurately with any situation.
Button Functions ( Custom Menu -> B: Button/Dial -> Button Function)
Fn1 - One Touch White Balance (not related to focus, but it is only available to this button and it is very useful feature when shooting ambient or video).
Alternately - if you want to be able to record video at the touch of a button (vs changing the actual mode) you can assign the video record to the Fn1 button.
Fn2 - MF - this allows you to switch quickly between MF and your default focus mode (S-AF is recommended). This is great for using the AEL/AFL feature. (Note: this comes into play with the AEL/AFL settings so you can switch quickly between two options).
AEL/AFL Settings (Custom Menu -> A: AF/MF -> AEL/AFL)
S-AF - Mode 1 - this will basically keep the camera as standard, half shutter focuses, full shutter takes the picture
C-AF - Mode 3 - this will separate the shutter release from the auto focus, so you can re-focus the camera from the Rec button and not risk taking a picture
MF - Mode 3 - this separates the shutter release from the auto focus, so you can lock focus and then take as many images as you like without affecting your focus. When you assign AEL/AFL you get an autofocus option while in manual focus mode, so if you have a focus gear on the lens you can use both manual focus or auto focus quickly and easily without changing any modes.
Shutter Release (Custom Menu -> C: Release -> Rls Priority S)
Rls Priority S - OFF - this prevents the camera from taking a photo unless it is in focus in S-AF mode. If you want to be able to take a photo even if the camera has not locked focus then turn this function ON. (Release Priority C is the same only for the C-AF Mode).
Now once you have set all of these, you can shoot a picture as standard (half shutter to focus) when in S-AF mode. Simply press the Fn2 button to switch to Manual Mode and now the Rec button controls auto focus and the shutter release takes the picture. This makes it very easy to have both topside settings and underwater settings created without having to change things in the menus every time you use the camera. Simplifiying the process so you do not forget to reset anything for the next trip.
NOTE: I use all of these settings with the camera in Manual Mode, so I have full control over my exposure settings. You can also set the AFL/AEL to the Fn1 button, its not as nice as using the REC lever, but will allow you to keep REC as the Record function for one step movie recording if you prefer.
OM-D E-M5 Specific Menu Settings
This info is helpful for fine tuning your camera for the best underwater settings. If a menu item is not listed that is because it does either does not affect shooting pictures or does not affect a setting that would be used underwater.
Shooting Menus
These set your cameras defaults, general settings that it will revert to after shutoff.
Shooting Menu #1
Picture Mode - This menu sets the look of your pictures, it is completely a personal choice to change, I prefer Vivid, because it enhances reds & oranges. NOTE: this only affects photos shot as .JPG, RAW images will not be affected.
Picture Quality (pixel icon) - Sets the default quality mode for the camera. Set this to RAW for still images, default for video is FullHD Fine, leave it there unless you know you want a lower quality.
*Note: if you do not have software on your computer that can read and edit RAW files then leave it set to .jpg (LF). I highly recommend shooting RAW for the most flexibility with in computer editing.
Image Aspect - Leave at the default standard image aspect ratio of 4:3 unless otherwise desired.
Digital Teleconverter Leave at default of OFF.
Shooting Menu #2
Burst/ Time Mode - Leave at default of Single Shot Mode, you can change this from the quick menu later for specific shooting instances.
Image stabilizer - Leave at default - this engages full stabilization in all directions (Default is IS1 on E-M5)
Exposure Compensation (E-M5) - Leave set at default of 0
Flash RC Mode - Leave at default of OFF
** NOTE - If you are using the Olympus UFL-2 strobes, you can increase your shutter sync speed with the PEN and OMD cameras to 1/500 using the RC feature of the camera and strobes. Check out the strobe manual for this, but it can be very useful for getting great sunbursts in wide angle shots.
Custom Menu Options
The custom menu offers more detailed camera adjustments, however, these can get overwhelming. When in doubt leave it at the default, unless otherwise noted in the Important Settings section above.
Menu A: AF/MF
AF Mode - I recommend setting this to S-AF (single AF). This is default for still images but not for video. C-AF, continuous auto focus, I find is too slow to accurately catch moving subjects and often hunts more frequently in the low light underwater conditions. You can halfway press the shutter during video to refocus when needed.
Full-time AF - OFF
AEL/AFL - This is a very handy feature, especially for underwater as it allows you to set focus lock separately from the shutter button, so that you can lock focus and then take several images without refocusing. The set up will vary depending on which housing you use, so please see the Housing Settings section above for specific details.
Reset Lens - OFF - leaving this ON resets the lens focus of the lens to infinity after the camera is powered off. For most shooting situations this is not a big deal, though when using specific lenses, like the 60mm macro, it can cause initial focus hunting in the beginning. Turning it off will save the last focus distance used in the camera.
MF Assist - ON - very useful with macro - magnifies center of image 10x to aid in focusing
AF Set Home - SINGLE- this sets the "home" position for the AF target for each AF mode. It will return to the position selected after power down. Default is full matrix, change this to Single Auto Focus Point for more control.
AF Illuminator - OFF - this is the small red AF assist light on the camera. It won't shine through the housing so turn it off to save battery life. If you use the camera both topside and underwater and don't want to hassle with constantly changing it then leave it on, it will not affect picture taking.
Face Priority - OFF - this automatically focuses the camera when it detects a "face" however underwater it can mis-detect and cause issues, and the camera will not detect faces in masks so it is not needed.
Menu B: Button / Dial
Button Function - There are 2 Fn buttons on the E-M5 and each has a variety of functions you can set. You can also customize the Rec button and assign its own function. Other settings in the Button Function menu allow you to modify the action of that key listed. To gain customization of the up and down arrows you need to change the setting of the four arrows option just below them. I recommend:
Arrow Keys - Direct Function
Right Arrow - Flash Mode*
Down Arrow - ISO*
*Feel Free to choose whichever settings work best for you!
For customization of other buttons, check out the specific Housing Set Up informations sections above for more detailed information on why I've set these options and how to use them.
Dial Function - This menu allows you to set the functions of the control dials for the camera. Functions are set per shooting mode indivually.
This is the two control wheels on the top of the camera. For the E-M5 in manual mode you can select which button controls Aperature and which controls Shutter Speed, set to your preference for ease of use.
Dial Direction - can be set to change which way you turn the dial to increase shutter or F stop. Set to personal preference or leave at default
Menu C: Release
Rls Priority S / C - this option allows you to set whether the shutter can be released even when the camera is not in focus. I recommend leaving it at the default of OFF for S-AF to help limit out of focus pictures. (can be set individually for S-AF and C-AF modes)
Burst FPS H / L - leave a default - this sets the frame rate for each burst mode option
Burst + IS Off - OFF - allows for image stabilization during sequential shooting when turned OFF
Halfway Rls with IS - ON - this allows for Image Stabilization to begin when the shutter is pressed halfway.
Menu D: Disp / Beep / PC
This menu customizes display and sound options. Set these to your preference, they don't affect picture taking, except for a select few.
Camera Control Settings - this gives you options for the display of the quick menus. When the EVF Auto switch is turned off you can only access one of these. Default is the Live Control, Olympus' standard type menu. The other option is the Super Control Panel, the new style for the OM-D that mimics many dSLR cameras. To activate the SCP, turn off the LC and turn on the Live SCP for the mode you plan to shoot in.
Info Settings - Under this menu is LV-Info. These options allow you to streamline your LCD view information. By turning each on or off you choose which viewing modes you would like to be able to see when you press the INFO button on the camera.
Live View Boost - This must be turned on to aid in viewing the LCD underwater in dark shooting conditions.
Info Off - The camera automatically hides the basic info from the LCD/ Viewfinder after 10 seconds (half press of the shutter or any button bring it back). This can be changed to be left on all the time by selecting HOLD.
I would also set the SLEEP mode and Auto Power Off modes as desired to save battery life.
Menu E: Exp / Metering / ISO
EV Step - leave at Default 1/3EV - this gives access to all "in between" stops, for more fine tuning your picture settings. It controls the size of the increments for shutter speed, aperture, etc.
NOISE / NOISE FILTER / ISO - leave at defaults
Metering - Default (Digital ESP Metering) - this evaluates the entire image for the best overall exposure. For more specific metering you can choose center weighted or spot.
AEL Metering - Default (AUTO) - if you use the AEL function leave this at the default and it will automatically choose the same metering you are currently using.
ISO / ISO Step / ISO Auto-Set / ISO-Auto - leave options at default.
Bulb / Time Timer, Live Bulb, Live Time - default (this won't be used underwater)
Anti-Shock - Default OFF - this creates a delay between when the shutter is pressed and actually released to aid in limiting camera vibrations. Not needed underwater.
F: Flash Custom
X-Sync - Default (1/250 for E-M5) this sets the fastest default Shutter Speed at which the flash can fire.
Slow Limit - Default (1/60) - You can adjust this lower as desired.
NOTE: These flash settings do not matter for Manual Mode, the flash fires based on the shutter speed selected when in Manual Mode. However 1/250 is the highest option available for the OM-D.
Flash Exposure + Exposure - Default (OFF)
G: Pixels / Color / WB
Noise Reduction - only applies to long exposures, leave a default, won't affect your UW photography
Noise Filter - Default - this affects the noise reduction when shooting high ISO
WB - Auto (default) - this sets the default WB mode, you can adjust for certain instances through the quick menu
All WB Evaluation - default - this changes the overall WB compensation for all modes except custom WB
WB-Auto Keep Warm Color - default - keeps colors warm for Auto WB mode.
Flash + WB - default (auto)
Color Space - default sRGB (unless you specifically know you want a different color space)
H: Record / Erase
Set these to your preference, they do not affect picture taking
I: Movie
Movie Mode - Default - P - this sets the default mode for movie capture (unless you are doing more video and want a specific mode, such as Manual, Aperture or Shutter to be the default)
Movie Mic - Default - ON - turns mic on or off. Turn off if you do not want to record any sound.
Movie Effect - Default - OFF - disables movie effects
Wind Noise Reduction - Default - OFF - reduces wind noise
Recording Volume - Default - Standard
J: Built in EVF (OM-D Cameras)
These do not affect picture setting, adjust as you prefer. The only important setting in this menu is:
EVF Auto Switch - OFF - this disables the automatic switch between the LCD and EVF. This is important for underwater use because the housing will always block the sensor and it will be stuck on the EVF only.
K: Camera Utility (OM-D Cameras)
Set as desired, these do not affect picture settings
Setup Menu
Set Date / Time, LCD brightness, upgrade your firmware, etc. The most important item on this menu is:
Rec View - this sets the amount of time an image is displayed for review after taking it. Default is .5 seconds, which is very fast. 2 seconds is a good average to set this to so that you can check exposure and focus on the LCD before taking another picture. If you need to take the next shot quickly this review disappears with a 1/2 shutter press.
If you have any further questions on setting up your Olympus camera or any issues with camera functionality, please post a question in our forums.
Further Reading
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