1st Place Nudibranch Ocean Art 2019 Jenny Stock

1st Place Nudibranch

Jenny Stock

"Treats from Mooloolah River"


Jenny won a 7 night dive package in a deluxe bungalow at Villa Markisa!


The Story: The Mooloolah River is a rich treasure trove of nudibranchs. Over 350 species have been found along the 600m river bank. The real challenge is to get a photograph that depicts the stunning form of these tiny creatures. I fell in love with flabellina lotus in particular. I returned to the river every weekend for four months to try to achieve an image where the flabellina's vivid purple cerata popped against a jet black background.

Location:  Toilet Block - Queensland, Australia

Equipment Used:  Canon 5D Mark IV Camera, Canon 100mm F2.8L Macro Lens, Nauticam Housing, Nauticam SMC Diopter, Dual Inon Strobes

Camera Settings: 1/125 sec, F22, ISO 320


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