3rd Place Coldwater Ocean Art 2019 Johan Sundelin

3rd Place Coldwater

Johan Sundelin



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The Story: I had planned to go out with boat on Shetland Islands to shoot Gannets but the sea was too rough outside the bird cliff. Improvising we managed to instead find a couple of large Grey seals in an area protected from the waves. I decided to use a long shutter speed to not only show the speed of the seal but also to emphasize the face. Then a lot of patience and luck made this picture possible.

Location:  Lerwick - Shetland Islands, Scotland

Equipment Used:  Nikon D850 Camera, Nikon 8-15mm Lens, Sea & Sea Housing, Dual Sea & Sea YS-D2 Strobes

Camera Settings: 1/10 sec, F19, ISO 64


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