5th Place Nudibranch Ocean Art 2019 Cedric Peneau

5th Place Nudibranch

Cedric Peneau

"Orange UFO"


The Story: My photographer friends and I often go snorkeling at night in those shallow rock pools to find various critters. That night the pool we had chosen was almost completely covered in a green algae. When we found this Umbraculum umbraculum orange slug in it, I immediately knew that the color contrast could be good , so I tried to get as low as possible to frame the slug with the algae in the background. I used a high aperture to get a blurry, soft background.

Location:   Étang Salé, Reunion Island 

Equipment Used:  Nikon D7200 Camera, Nikon 85mm Lens, Nauticam NA-D7200 Housing, Dual Inon Z240 Strobes

Camera Settings: 1/200 sec, F11, ISO 200


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