Ocean Art 2024 - 1st Place Wide Angle

Ocean Art 2024 - 1st Place Wide Angle

1st Place Wide Angle

Hwanhee Kim


Hwanhee Kim won a 4 night dive trip at Atmosphere Resorts & Spa in the Philippines for 2 divers, includes 4 dives each.

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The Story:

LIGHT is nature's greatest gift. The week before I captured this shot, heavy rains fell in Cancun. Sediment and nutrients from the nearby CARWASH were washed into the cenote, creating stunning colors due to the difference in concentration. Rain is typically a challenge for underwater photography, but in this instance, it produced vibrant hues rarely seen underwater. Sunlight, with its strong vitality, pierced through the reddish waters, revealing a magical moment. The light served as a connection between the land and the underwater world, as well as between nature and humans. I felt privileged to witness this beauty and fortunate to have been able to document it.


Mexico, Rancho Viejo, Carwash

Equipment Used:

  • Camera - Nikon D850
  • Housing - Nauticam
  • Strobe/light - Natural Light
  • Wet Lens - Nikon 8-15mm

Camera Settings:

  • ISO 1100
  • F/7.1
  • Shutter speed 1/125s

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