Ocean Art 2024 - 1st Place Compact Behavior
1st Place Compact Behavior
Naomi Springett
Naomi Springett won a 8 day dive trip to the Galapagos aboard the Aqua Liveaboard from Andean Travel Company

The Story:
This Bluestreak Cleaner wrasse (Labroides dimidiatus) and Variegated Lizardfish (Synodus variegatus) were spotted on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. These fish are an example of mutualistic symbiosis, this means that both species benefit from their association with one another. The cleaner wrasse nibbles dead skin and parasites off the larger fish, providing the cleaner fish with food and leaving the lizardfish clean and healthy. Usually Lizardfish are quite skittish, not tolerating photographers to get too close, but this individual was quite content to pose for photos during its clean. I was amazed to watch the smaller fish dart all over the Lizardfish, even into its mouth, demonstrating incredible trust on the part of the smaller fish, eventually settling right on top of the Lizardfish's head!
Great Barrier Reef, Australia
Equipment Used:
- TG-7 with PT-059 housing
- dual Sea and Sea strobes
Camera Settings:
- f/13
- 1/80 sec.
- ISO-200
- flash