Ocean Art 2024 - 2nd Place Nudibranch
2nd Place Nudibranchs
Jenny Stock
"Hungry for love"
Jenny Stock (www.jennystockphotography.co.uk) won a 14 night dive trip at Ambon, Indonesia Dive Resort from Spice Island Divers

The Story:
Here, two nudibranch use their extended gonophors to mate, whilst simultaneously enjoying the delights of a good meal of green tendrils. Nudibranchs are hermaphrodites, meaning they have both male and female reproductive organs but they can't fertilize themselves, so they need to find a partner to mate with. After cross-fertilisation (and finishing their meal) they would both go onto lay their own egg spiral. Thanks to dive guide Regie Casia and Rutherford Parutanin for their assistance with this dive at Kirby's Rock.
- Philippines, Aiyanair, Kirby's Rock
Equipment Used:
- Nauticam,
- Retra strobes,
- Sony 90m
Camera Settings:
- f22
- 1/250
- iso 100