5th Place Coldwater Ocean Art 2019 Aldo Costa

5th Place Coldwater

Aldo Costa

"Sup on the River"


The Story: I love diving in this river of Tuscany, his name is Lima. Its waters are often clear, at certain times of the day when the sun is high it gives the best of itself with incredible plays of light. Often I position myself on the bottom to admire the show and sometime  with a little luck I can complete the photo with a subject like the sup table, a very practiced activity in this river. The difficulty of this shot is to be able to contrast the backlight with flashes, to illuminate the rock, trying not to have much suspension, which is not easy as the bottom of the river is composed of silt.

Location:  :  Lima River, Tuscany, Italy

Equipment Used:  Nikon D850 Camera, Nikon 8-15mm Lens, Seacam Housing, Dual Seacam Seaflash 150D Strobes

Camera Settings: 1/40 sec, F11, ISO 80


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