Honorable Mention Wide Angle Ocean Art 2019 Jose Antonio Castellano

Honorable Mention Wide Angle

Jose Antonio Castellano

"Under the Pier"


The Story: I have always found diving under piers and jetties very interesting. The combination between the man-made structure with those long poles and the wild life that gathers around them, makes for perfect photo opportunities. This was the second time I dove this particular pier in Alor, so I knew about the resident group of batfish and I spend most of my dive with them. I really wanted to get a diver involved in the picture to give a sense of scale to the long poles, so I was really happy when one of the Divemasters showed up with his group. I already told him about what I wanted, so he knew exactly where position himself. It was a windy day so the water was not so clear, adding a bit of a gloomy atmosphere, something that I actually like.

Location:  Bakalang Pier - Alor, Indonesia

Equipment Used:  Canon 1Ds Mark III, Sea & Sea Housing, Dual Sea & Sea YS-D2 Strobes.

Camera Settings: 1/100 sec, F6.3, ISO 160


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