Honorable Mention Mirrorless Wide-Angle Ocean Art 2016 Pier Mane

Honorable Mention Mirrorless Wide-Angle

Pier Mane



Pier won a 7-night dive package from El Galleon Beach Resort



The Story:  Hard coral are fascinating small econsystem on their own, but they are challenging to be photographed in a compelling way.  In Raja Ampat, I found these two circular formations elevated from the reef, they seemed suspended in the water.  With a combination of incredible dances of silver backs up above I found a appealing composition showing the abundance of marine life in Raja Ampat.  

Location:  Raja Ampat, Indonesia

Camera:  Olympus EM1 and Panasonic 8mm Fisheye Lens (F10, 1/100, ISO 400) with Dual Subtronic Strobes.


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