5th Place Nudibranchs Ocean Art 2016 Ian Chow

5th Place Nudibranchs

Ian Chow

"Gentleman Nudi"


Ian won a $100 gift certificate from Bluewater Photo or Bluewater Travel



The Story:  This nudi impressed me as a gentleman proudly displaying his moustache. Upon seeing the approach of a bubbling diver, he did not hide or run.  Instead he stopped right there to pose confidently in front of the camera, giving me ample photo opportunities.  Slowly inching closer, I aimed to get a close up of his flamboyant facial feature and make use of his own curvy body protrusions (cerata) as the background.  Sometimes you just have to be a bit lucky to meet such an attractive and cooperative model.  

Location:  Anilao, Batangas, Philippines

Camera:  Canon 6D and Canon 100mm Macro Lens (F25, 1/160, ISO 100) with Nauticam Housing and Dual Inon Z240 Strobes.



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