3rd Place Compact Wide Angle


3rd Place, Compact Wide Angle

Stephen Holinski

"Hoodie Noodles"  Shot in British Columbia, Canada with Sony RX100


Stephen won his choice of $200 gift certificate with Bluewater Photo or Bluewater Travel!



The story:  Conditions were perfect during our first dive of a week long trip with God's Pocket Resort, and much of my time was spent in the shallow waters of a bay near the resort photographing this kelp stock which was completely covered in Hooded Nudibranchs. This shot was taken only a few feet below the water, as I ascended near the end of a wonderful dive.

Location:  "Hoodie Noodle Bay" near Browning Pass, British Columbia, Canada.

Camera:  Sony RX100, Ikelite housing, UWL-04 fisheye lens, dual YS-110A strobes.

Settings:  f10, 1/250, ISO 125


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