Honorable Mention Wide-Angle


Honorable Mention, Wide-Angle

Eiko Jones

"Transitions"  Shot in British Columbia with Nikon D800



The story:  I was helping out on a Chinook Tagging operation on the isolated Phillips River and one evening I took a trip up to a tributary called the Clearwater. There is a good sized Sockeye Salmon run on this stream. I positioned myself in a slow flowing channel where the fish were congregating for spawning and slowly approached a pair. I rested in about 8" deep water and the male started slowly circling out to investigate me.  After about 10 minutes, remaining motionless and never taking my eye from the viewfinder, I was able to get this image when he was the closest to me and the light was fading.

Location:  Clearwater Creek (a tributary of the Phillips River), West British Columbia, Canada.

Camera:  Nikon D800, Tokina 10-17mm lens, Aquatica housing, dual Sea & Sea YS-D1 strobes

Settings:  f16, 1/100, ISO 800


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