August 24th Newsletter


Welcome to the August 24th Underwater Photography Guide newsletter.

La Paz, Baja Mexico Dive Trip & Photo Workshop
Todd Winner and myself are running a small dive trip to La Paz, Baja, Mexico to try to photograph whale sharks, mobulas, hammerheads, seahorses, and many sea lions. The trip is Oct 30th to Nov 6th. We still have room for a couple more people - let us know if you are interested.  Read about the details


Recent Articles:


Underwater photo technique: Underwater snoots 101
Scott Gietler and Bill Van Antwerp discuss using snoots for the first time, and give ideas for how to use them
Underwater cameras: Canon S95 camera with HD video
The new Canon S95 camera is discussed, along with potential new housings, and what it means to have HD video
Big Animal encounters: Giant Jellyfish in California
Mike Bartick shows us his photos of several different species of large jellyfish he has encountered, along with photo tips
Marine Life Feature: Harlequin Shrimp
Mark Strickland tells us some entertaining facts about Harlequin shrimp. Photo tips and best dive sites to find them are included.
Underwater Photo Essay: Maldive Islands
Lea Moser creates a beautiful underwater photo essay from a Maldive Islands trip, focusing on wide-angle photography
Underwater Photo Essay: Raja Ampat Islands
Kevin Lee shares his jaw-dropping underwater macro photography with us - this time from Raja Ampat.
Featured Dive Destination: Papua New Guinea
One of the Ocean Art Photo competition prizes is 18 nights in PNG at 3 of the top resorts/liveaboards in the world. Find out why PNG is so special.
Learning Underwater Photography: Over-under shots, aka Split shots
Learn how to choose dome ports, keep the water off your port, and light both sides of an over-under shot
Underwater photo technique: Single strobe positioning for wide-angle
Learn how to position your strobe for wide-angle photography with only one strobe

Underwater Photography News

Nikon announced D3100 camera, with HD video and video auto-focus

Update on the Ocean Art Underwater Photo Competition
The prize total is now at around $66,000 for the Ocean Art Underwater Photo Competition. Entries are already starting to roll in, we hope you enter a photo! Don't forget underrated categories like Compact Camera Marine life behavior, nudibranchs, supermacro, and Divers/fashions. These categories will have fewer entries, but the prizes will be just as amazing!

Write for the Underwater Photography Guide
We are always looking for people to write reviews, underwater photo essays, technique articles, dive destination articles, and marine life features. Contact us if you are interested! Great travel perks are available for qualified writers / photographers.


Underwater Photography Dive Trips
We are planning several exciting dive trips for next year. Reply to this email and tell us where you'd like us to go! We should have the details ready by next month.

November 14th & 15th, Peace boat to Northern Channel Islands, 9 dives. Boat leaves out of Ventura, CA. $300. This trip is always every so-cal diver's favorite!
Sept 18th - Catalina Island, California
Oct 9th - Farnsworth Banks, California
Oct 24th - Oil Rigs, California
Oct 30th - Nov 6th - La Paz, Baja, Mexico

Send a letter to for more info on trips.

Thanks for reading, and please let me know if you have any suggestions for the guide or the newsletter.