2nd Place Compact Wide Angle Jack Berthomier

2nd Place Compact Behavior

Jack Berthomier

"In The River After The Floods"


The Story:Several times a year the heavy rains cause the waters of our rivers to rise several meters and take away a lot of green waste, leaves, branches and sometimes whole trees torn from the banks.

With the current very strong, I waited a few days for the water to recede. I spend a week or so with friends who live near the river to take pictures of the Doules (Kuhlia rupestrice) commonly called Caledonian carp.

The Doule is the most common fish in Caledonian freshwater.

That day, one of them having come close to the surface, I was able to take this photo with a drifting palm branch. 

Location:  Ouenghi River, New Caledonia

Equipment Used: Sony RX100 II, Isotta Housing, Inon UW-H100 Wide Angle Lens

Camera Settings: ISO 200, f/5.6, 1/800


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