HM Novice DSLR Ocean Art 2015 Linda See

Honorable Mention, Novice DSLR

Linda See

"Crocodile Waiting Game"


Linda won a gift certificate from Bluewater Travel!


The story:  After several failed attempts to get to the food, the Crocodile decided to rest and waited to see where the food will land next. Prior to it's resting time, there were some sediments stirred up from movement by other photographers(or the croc) and this created a dramatic highlight effect when I lowered my camera just above my waist level(i am barely 5 ft tall), get as close as possible to photograph this croc who was resting at a higher ground than me.   

Location:  Banco Chinchorro, Mexico

Camera:  Canon 5DS, Canon 11-24 F4L lens, Nauticam housing, SEA&SEA YS-D1 strobe, CM diffuser



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