2nd Place Compact Macro Ocean Art Safe Under The Sea

2nd Place Compact Macro Ocean Art Safe Under The Sea

Stan Chen

"File Fish"





Rodger won a gift certificate from Bluewater Photo.




The Story: Let’s photograph some more colorful underwater photos! I love to take all kinds of shots of the file fish as they are so cute! Because they swim around and move very fast, the only way you can capture a good shot is to be patient. I waited about 30 mins until she got used to me, and we tried not to disturb her; then my dive buddy and I use this creative color light on the file fish to make it more colorful.  

Location:  Lembeh, Indonesia

Equipment Used:  Sony RX100 M4, Inon strobe Z240 & LSD ; SMC2 macro lens ; Wefit color light  

Camera Settings: ISO-200, f/10, 1/100 sec

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