3rd Place Compact Macro Ocean Art 2020 PT Hirschfield

3rd Place Compact Macro

PT Hirschfield

"Garfish Reflection"


PT Hirschfield won a 7 nights dive package for one in Anilao, Philippines



The Story: After many prior attempts on previous dives, I had almost accepted that capturing a worthwhile image of a fast moving garfish could be a near-impossible task. However, on this particular night dive, I came across a juvenile (around the size of my pinky finger) just below the surface of Blairgowrie Pier. It didn’t dart away quickly as most had done previously, but seemed happy and relaxed to spend time swimming briefly in my torch light. The surface of the water was almost perfectly still and glassy, acting as a mirror for the reflection of the tiny fish before it disappeared again into the dark water.

Location:  Blairgowrie Pier, Melbourne, Australia

Equipment Used:  Canon G12 Camera, Recsea Housing, Sea & Sea YS-D2J Strobe, Fix Neo 1500 DX SWR Focus Light

Camera Settings: 1/320, F5, ISO 100

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