Honorable Mention Compact Behavior Ocean Art 2020 Michele Sbrilli
Honorable Mention Compact Behavior
Michele Sbrilli
"Life Begins"
The Story: Winter is the period in which I dive into this site to find the Janolus. Even that cold morning, I dove aiming of to do macro photography due to the poor visibility which typical of the dive site. After taking a photo of a pair of Janolus with the Macro lens, a breathtaking scene appears to me - a Janolus intent on spawning. I watched this scene for about ten minutes, then, taking advantage of the unexpected good visibility of that cold winter, I mounted the wide lens to capture the moment when life begins.
Location: Taranto, Italy
Equipment Used: Sony RX100 V, Isotta Sony RX100 V Housing, Fantasea UWL-400Q Wide Angle Wet Lens, Dual Sea & Sea YS-D2 Strobes
Camera Settings: 1/640, F4, ISO 100