1st Place Macro Nigel Motyer

1st Place Macro

Nigel Motyer

 "Blenny Grabs A Quick Meal"


Nigel Motyer won a 7day/8night dive cruise in Raja Ampat or Komodo!


The Story: This is a shot taken on a night dive where we were looking for the famous Epaulette Walking sharks. This little guy caught my eye and I stayed with him for a few images hoping to get some portraits. I loved the colour around the eyes and the expressive face so I thought this little guy would make a great photo subject. As I shot some images, I noticed my lights attracted some zoo plankton, and then I saw the Blenny became really active feeding on the plankton. In the shot you can see the Blenny lining up a strike on a passing copepod. I love the focus on the Blenny's face in this image.

Location:  Raja Ampat, Indonesia

Equipment Used: Nikon D750 Camera. Nikon 105MM Macro Lens, Nauticam Housing, Dual Inon Z230 Strobes

Camera Settings: F32, 1/160 sec, ISO 640


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