Honorable Mention Cold Water Celia Kujala

Honorable Mention Coldwater

Celia Kujala

"Steller Friends"


Celia Kujala won a won a gift certificate from Bluewater Photo and Bluewater Travel.

The Story: Steller sea lions are extremely curious. When I was diving at Norris Rocks in British Columbia, this group of Steller sea lions came to investigate the strange visitor that had entered their world.  Steller sea lions are listed as Near Threatened on the IUCN Red List. I hope this image captures their magic and inspires people to want to protect this beautiful species.

Location:  Canada, Hornby Island, Norris Rocks 

Equipment Used: Nikon D500, Tokina 10-17mm fisheye lens, Nauticam NA-D500 housing, dual Sea & Sea YS-D2J strobes

Camera Settings: f/14, 1/200, ISO 500  


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