Tony Wu's Underwater Photography Blog
Tony Wu's Underwater Photography Blog
Recently I caught up with professional underwater photographer Tony Wu, to discuss his underwater photography blog. I say "caught up" because it seems like Tony travels often. When he is back from a dive trip, he's back for a just a couple days, and then back on a plane. Well that's the impression I got!
I initially started reading Tony Wu's blog because he often wrote about underwater photography, and underwater critters - two of my favorite subjects. It also helped that he updated his blog fairly frequently, and put out updates on Facebook where I could see them.
Tony told me he had started blogging in June 2006, 3 1/2 years ago, after watching other bloggers for 2 years. He considers himself a "late early adaptor" of technology.
Tony believes that life does not happen on a schedule, and that events have maximum impact if they are reported as they are happening, or soon afterwards. When writing for a magazine, they can be on a slower schedule, not reporting news for weeks after it happens. Also, articles can be heavily edited.
Tony says that his blog gives him the ability to report on events as they happen, unedited. He can also write about stories that dive magazines normally wouldn't talk about, such as how helpful a particular local dive guide was. Basically - a blog is unfiltered. I got the sense that this freedom gives him a lot of personal satisfaction.
Although Tony started blogging for himself, he says that over 100,000 unique IP addresses have visited his site. I think he speaks for all bloggers when he asks that people leave more comments, since his comment to reader ratio is low. So is mine, and probably most other blogs!
Technology: Custom Wordpress theme
Update frequency: Almost daily
Topics: Underwater photos, technique, marine life, travel tips