Camera Reviews

Detailed camera reviews for underwater photo and video, including specs, key features for u/w photography and camera comparisons.

DX 2G Conclusions

Sea & Sea DX-2G Underwater Camera Review

Conclusions about the sea & Sea DX 2G Underwater Camera


Front iew of the DX-2G

Front view of the DX-2G



Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Underwater photos

Sea & Sea DX-2G underwater photos

Part of the Sea & Sea DX 2G review

All photos copyright Shawn Rener, all rights reserved.


Great quality images with the DX-2G

Great quality images with the DX-2G


Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

DX-2G Macro capability

Sea & Sea DX-2G Underwater Camera Review

DX-2G Macro capability


Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Sea & Sea DX-2G Macro & Wide Angle options

Sea & Sea DX-2G Underwater Camera Review

Macro & Wide-Angle capability


Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Sea & Sea DX 2G Technical specs

Sea & Sea DX-2G Underwater Camera Review

Some technical features


The Sea & Sea DX 2G shoots in RAW including 3:2 and 1:1 and RAW/JPEG bracketing and multiple JPEG modes, JPEG mode for those who want smaller files and have simpler post processing needs, RAW mode for those who want more control and prefer advanced options for post processing. The cameras RAW mode uses Adobe’s DNG standard format, which is nice - it means you don't need to wait until your RAW editor supports the Ricoh standard.


Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

DX 2G Main characteristics

 Sea & Sea DX-2G Underwater Camera Review

Who Would Buy This Camera?

The Sea & Sea DX 2G is an advanced compact point & shoot housing and camera system that is best suited for the earnest beginner who wants easy to use preset options but has the ability to learn and expand to more manual control. It is also good for the advanced user needing full creative control with easy to access manual controls.


Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Who would buy this camera

Sea & Sea DX-2G Underwater Camera Review

Who Would Buy This Camera?

The Sea & Sea DX 2G is an advanced compact point & shoot housing and camera system that is best suited for the earnest beginner wanting easy to use preset options but having the ability to learn and expand to more manual control to the advanced user needing full creative control with easy to access manual settings.


Some details on the DX-2G

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 
Sea & Sea DX 2G Underwater Camera and Housing Set, a great choice for beginner underwater photographers
By Shawn Rener

Sea & Sea DX-2G Camera Review

Sea & Sea DX-2G Underwater Camera Review
Shawn Rener
Sea & Sea DX 2G Underwater Camera and Housing Set, a great choice for beginner underwater photographers



DX-2G Sea&Sea Camera



 DX-2G Sea&Sea Camera, rear view

Dx-2G Sea&Sea Camera, rear view





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